Our forte has been Sponsorship

Prayas Institute for Social Development’s primary activity has always been sponsorship of children and this meant helping the needy and deserving students to get an opportunity to be educated. What we at ‘Prayas’ value, is the emotional and moral support that we give the child and the family and the special relationship that is developed and nurtured between the sponsored child, his family, the sponsor and the social worker. It is a bond that goes a long way in building the personality of the child and a bond that the child always cherishes. Special coaching is given to the weaker students, summer camps are organized and a lot of other extra-curricular activities are conducted to groom and enrich the child’s personality. Sponsorship means ‘education’ in a complete sense. It is not restricted or limited to schooling and academic progress alone but development of the child as a good human being too.
  • Involve the community and share the responsibility for the care, protection, and development of children in their own natural families.
  • Ensure that the child has a right to adequate shelter and a good home.
  • Enable him/her to get an education through a good school.
  • Provide him all opportunities for growth and development (Right for the equal opportunity) as any other normal child would have.
  • Provide economic security for meeting his/her basic needs with regard to health, education, habitat, etc., with the help of the sponsor.

Above all what the child needs, is the right and sound counseling by a professional worker in times of difficulty or crisis in the family. All these and other social and economic values are incorporated in the SAHARA.